Ready to Grow your Soul Centered Business?

👇 Schedule a call to speak with Sitara below 👇

Ready to Expand your Soul-Centered Business? 

This call is for you if you are ready to expand your soul's by mastering your energy and co-creating with the Universe. 

Sitara's specialty is teaching psychic and business development in the quantum field as well as bringing it into reality.

It's one thing to 'see' a possibility and it's another to CREATE it!! That's what we do here in Monad, create as divine alchemists. 

This call is to see if Sitara and Rise are a fit to help you reach your goals as an intuitive co-creator of your divine reality in form. 

** You will be sent a few videos to view before the call to answer questions and help you come prepared. 

Randy Jackson
Earth Angels Graduate 


Sitara Fe is one of the most gifted psychics and mediums in the country. The guidance she provides to me has been spot-on. But more than that, Sitara has become a life coach, mentor, and most importantly a TEACHER for me. She is teaching me how to develop and use my own psychic and intuitive gifts. My regret is that I did not meet Sitara many years ago.

James Anthony Jacoby
The Bearded Psychic 

I thought I was hiring Sitara to help me with my business when in reality I was hiring her for my soul. She has helped me reach a part of myself I never even knew existed.

Melody Phay
Earth Angels Graduate


I am so grateful for the time, energy, and love that Sitara has shared with me. Working with her over the last 6 months has lead to powerful breakthroughs, growth, insights, and healing that I use to transform my life for abundance. This experience is also giving me a beautiful array of tools I can now offer to clients of my own to assist them on their healing journeys. Thank you Sitara!